

In 2019, I was ordained but remained an unfulfilled minister of the gospel who hungered for more of God than the glory of men. I desired to hear from the Father more than ever before and I knew that I had to isolate myself for a while. The bible says that: “The counsel of the Lord stands forever, the plans of his heart to all generations.” -(Psalm 33:11)

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In 2019, I was ordained but remained an unfulfilled minister of the gospel who hungered for more of God than the glory of men. I desired to hear from the Father more than ever before and I knew that I had to isolate myself for a while. The bible says that: “The counsel of the Lord stands forever, the plans of his heart to all generations.” -(Psalm 33:11)

I was praying and pleading as I sought the face of the Lord. The Holy Spirit directed me to retire to the Galilee Retreat Center in Arnprior, Ontario, where I was essentially the only person staying in this vast resort in the middle of the Canadian winter.

In my room, there was a NRSV bible visibly placed to the right side of a study table. For a moment, I felt like the prophet Elijah in the cave. I drew the curtains and entreated with the Lord without any regard of Time. I subjected my body, my mind and my whole being to Him. I went on a fast consisting of  3 seeps of water a day while I waited on Him to speak to me. I told myself I was not leaving until He spoke.

The first two nights were silent. My third night yielded rich dreams and visions beyond my comprehension.

When God is silent, He’s busy saying or doing something, while He gives us an opportunity for discernment before launching us into the world. A world  of light and darkness that is vying for our souls. On my fourth night, I was crying out to God that I needed to hear from Him and nothing was happening;  heaven was not manifesting in any shape or form. Suddenly, I heard a still small voice that said “ Draw the curtains and open the window.” and then the voice said “Bringing Divinity at the centre of my Tabernacle” .

This was the genesis of “DIVINE TABERNACLE CENTRE”.

 Then the  Holy Spirit brought to my spirit the scriptures of Jeremiah 3:15.

“And I will give you shepherds after my own heart, who will feed you with knowledge and understanding.”

-(Jeremiah  3:15)

On March 15, 2019, Divine Tabernacle Centre was born.